
Showing posts from March, 2021

Tips To Reduce Employee Stress

Could your employees be struggling with stress? Have you noticed employees taking more time off than usual? Or has there been a drop in productivity? Or a dip in workplace morale? Perhaps one of your employees has told you outright that they are feeling stressed? Many factors can trigger stress. Family commitments, relationship problems and illness are all popular causes of stress. But what if your employees are suffering from work-related stress? Unfortunately, work-related stress is a growing concern. In the UK, more than 11 million working days are lost every year due to work-related stress. Plus, more than half a million people in the UK have experienced significant work-related stress that has affected their health. The Impact Of Work-Related Stress If your employees are struggling with work-related stress, it will impact their performance in the workplace. Prolonged work-related stress can also impact the physical and mental health of your team, leading to burnout and lengthy