
Showing posts from May, 2020

Does Sleep Affect Your Immune System? - Lee Chambers Workplace Wellbeing Consultant


How To Become Mindful and Find Peace in 2020

Here are my musings on how we can become mindful, find peace, enjoy the present and breakthrough our limits. With extracts from ‘Mindfulness’. “Meditation is a tool to achieve post-meditative mindfulness. Regardless of how we get there, either through meditation or more directly by paying attention to novelty and questioning assumptions, to be mindful is to be in the present, noticing all the wonders that we didn’t realize were right in front of us.” DON’T BE DETERRED BY FALSE LIMITS – BECOME MINDFUL “When we think of resources being limited, we often think of our own abilities. Here, too, our notion of limits may inhibit us. We may push ourselves to what we believe are our limits, in swimming, public speaking, or mathematics. However, whether they are true limits is not determinable. It may be in our best interest to proceed as though these and other abilities might be improved upon so that at least we will not be deterred by false limits. It was once assumed that humans c

Lee Chambers - Importance of PM Routine for Optimal Sleep - Workplace Wellbeing Consultant


How Changing Your Breathing Can Transform Your Life in 2020

Here are my musings on how changing our breathing with breathwork can transform our life for the better. With extracts from ‘Perfect Breathing’. THE COMMON DENOMINATOR OF LIFE “What is it that enables a mountain climber to reach the highest points on earth, allows a fighter pilot to stay conscious through the pull of a jet’s turn eight times greater than gravity? What guides the archer’s arrow to the mark, or enables a ballet dancer to appear to be lighter than air? What carries a seeker to the innermost realms of spirit, and has been recognized for centuries as one of the most potent healing agents available to mankind? The breath. For something so simple, automatic, and for most people, unconscious, breathing carries with it great power. It is the single most dynamic energy conversion in the human body and fuels every one of your cells. Every neuron, every synapse, every muscle feeds on the flame of your breath. Breathing is not only critical to sustaining life but done co

Sleep Is A Necessity For Optimal Health and Performance - Lee Chambers - Essentialise Wellbeing


Switching Off and Sleep Environments - Lee Chambers - Wellbeing Consultant at Essentialise


How to Build an Optimal Sleep Routine - PM Curfews - Lee Chambers - Sleep Environment Psychologist


How To Create a Morning Routine That Promotes Success and Positivity

Here are my musings on how we craft a morning routine that fuels us towards our potential, increases our happiness and makes us more productive in everyday life. With extracts from ‘My Morning Routine’. MORNING ROUTINES = HOW TO AVOID DECISION FATIGUE “Commonly recognized as a reduced ability to make decisions (or rather, to make the decisions you know you should make) due to being inundated with the sheer number of choices we’re faced with on a daily basis, decision fatigue is a harmful psychological state that we all experience from time to time. … Typical methods for reducing decision fatigue in the morning include planning for the next day the night before… and wearing a ‘uniform’ to work every day (a tactic popularized by Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and President Barack Obama). Long story short, the less unimportant decisions you have to make in the morning, the more energy you’ll have for all the more important decisions you have to make later in the day.” Decision fa

Lee Chambers - Environmental Psychologist and Wellbeing Consultant - BBC Radio Kent 03/05/2020


Lee Chambers - Environmental Psychologist and Wellbeing Consultant - BBC Radio Kent - 26/04/20


How To Find Your Inner Confidence and Be Assertive

Here are my musings on how we find our inner confidence, overcome fear and self-doubt, and become more assertive in everyday life. With extracts from ‘The Confidence Gap’. WHAT IS THE INNER CONFIDENCE GAP? “Many people are completely lost in something I call ‘the confidence gap.’ It’s that place we get stuck when fear gets in the way of our dreams and ambitions. You know you’re stuck in the confidence gap if you believe something like this: I can’t achieve my goals, perform at my peak, do the things I want to do, or behave like the person I want to be until I feel more confident. Does this ring true for you? Many self-help approaches inadvertently encourage you to think this way, but you will soon discover that the more tightly you hold on to this belief, the more it will hold you back from creating the life you want.” The Inner Confidence Gap. It’s the story we often tell ourselves that we’ll go for our biggest dreams when we feel confident. That’s not only a gap but a tra