
Showing posts from April, 2020

How To Build And Develop Good Habits And Make Them Stick

Here are my musings on how we create and build good habits, and how we develop them to make them consistent. WHY TINY CHANGES LEAD TO REMARKABLE RESULTS “It is so easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making small improvements on a daily basis. Too often, we convince ourselves that massive success requires massive action. Whether it is losing weight, building a business, writing a book, winning a championship, or achieving any other goal, we put pressure on ourselves to make some earth-shattering improvement that everyone will talk about. Meanwhile, improving 1 per cent isn’t particularly notable—sometimes it isn’t even noticeable— but it can be far more meaningful, especially in the long run. The difference a tiny improvement can make over time is astounding. Here’s how the math works out: if you can get 1 per cent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done. Conversely, if

How to Live Well with Seronegative Arthritis in 2020

My journey to becoming a coach and helping others began when I became unwell myself, losing the ability to walk due to seronegative arthritis. As part of my mission to continue to make a positive impact on the lives of those of us who have a chronic disease, I recently took part in some research. Conducted by the University of Liverpool, I was interviewed by Jacqui Whitford-Stark, and below, is an exert of our interview. I hope it provides insight and awareness of how I have managed and lived well with seronegative arthritis. Before Seronegative Arthritis 1 – To begin with can you tell me what your life was like before your diagnosis? Before the diagnosis I was very active, I had a young son and I was recently married. I was part of social clubs and sports clubs, so I kind of found myself to be, you know, I was in my 20`s I started to get more aware. I started to look after myself better started to be more social, came out of university into work. Then I started my own business, so

Top 9 Tips for Your Success in 2020: A New Decade

Top 9 Tips for Your Success in 2020: A New Decade These are my top 10 tips to ensure your success in 2020 and beyond!   We have hit the year 2020, the start of a new decade. So far, it has been eventful and challenging in equal measures. Think about how far you have come since the beginning of 2010. And think about where you could be by 2030 if you implement just one of these value tips into your life from today. 1) Prioritise Your Sleep Sleep is the fundamental driver of your performance, but this is only just starting to come to prominence. After a miserable night’s sleep, the likelihood of finding solace in a packet of biscuits is much more real. A whole series on Netflix becomes more appealing than the gym. And your attention and emotions tend to swing, making tasks that require focus considerably more challenging. Sleep is also vital for your health. The repair and recovery that happens while you sleep is critical to your overall wellbeing. You are less likely to have accid